OneHome Profile and Field Names

The OneHome team has partnered with One Colorado to get recommendations on ways to make our programs more inclusive and accessible for LGBTQIA+ program participants. While we are waiting for HUD to publish their upcoming HMIS Data Standards to implement the updated data fields (published in May of 2023; effective in October of 2023), we have made immediate changes in HMIS to add language around the Name Fields in the Client Profile to encourage more inclusivity for participants.  

The intention behind these changes is to provide a safer, more inclusive space for program participants who are LGBTQIA+, especially trans and gender non-conforming participants. Our hope is to provide clarification around how to use the fields (image below), decrease the chances of a participant being deadnamed, and encourage the use of names that reflect the participant’s preferences and identity.  

Example: Program participant is assigned female at birth, and identifies as a transgender male. The household’s name is James. Their deadname, which is also their legal name, is Jennifer. The First Name Field should say “James,” while the Alias Field should say, “Jennifer (Deadname, Legal Name).” This ensures that if the participant goes to a new agency or sees a new case manager, their correct name will be used.  

Example: Program participant’s legal name is Anna. The participant goes by their middle name, Emma. The First Name Field should say “Emma,” while the Alias Field should say “Anna (Legal Name).”  

Example: Program participant’s name is Jerry, their nickname/streetname is Gonzo. The First Name Field should say “Jerry,” and the Alias Field should say “Gonzo (nickname/streetname).”  


CDT - May 2023


Housing Providers: Updated Denial Process